Active through the summer with quiq barefoot shoes
In the ZAQQ shop you will find the right barefoot shoe for every weather. Not only sandals are available for summer, but also hiking shoes that are particularly airy. With our model Quiq, an extensive tour is really fun even at high temperatures.
With its flexible mesh tissue, this barefoot shoe is particularly soft and adapts perfectly to every foot shape. The stripes, which are made of leather and black version, bring stability that are made of vegan material. With our outdoor sole you have the best protection in the field and good grip to surely appear on all surfaces.
Now it is only important to actually put on the ZAQQS and run off, because even in midsummer it makes you fun to be active with the right footwear.
Are you always highly motivated or are you more of those who first have to overcome their inner bastard before going to sporting activities?
Maybe it's too cold, too warm, too windy or too wet? Are you tired or have too much to do? Now it is important to trick the inner bastard. Because if you are honest with yourself, you can make excuses and good reasons differ well from each other.
In fact, there are valid reasons that allow sporting activities to do without. For example, if you are sick, you should treat your body to rest and prefer to switch a gear back. A relaxed stretching unit can contribute to faster recovery. But always listen to your own body in the event of illness so as not to overload it!
Often, however, there are no valid reasons for the movement, but lazy excuses. Before your inner bastard wins, you should always ask yourself the question of whether you have an actual reason to let your activities grind or whether it is only excuses. If you are honest with yourself, you will be able to motivate yourself! Because then there is no too cold, too warm, too windy, too tired or too little time.
Where there is a will, there's a way!
And then it says: into the ZAQQ barefoot shoes and out into nature! And it doesn't matter whether you only take a short walk or an extended hiking tour. It is much more important that you defeated the inner bastard.
Every beginning is difficult! But if you move regularly, you will no longer find it exhausting. On the contrary, a soothing routine develops that is good for your body and soul. Movement in everyday life is no longer a challenge, but something that simply goes with it without having to think about it or motivate yourself.
Sounds too beautiful. to be true? Try it yourself and try to hold out your new movement routines for at least a month.
It is best to plan a fixed time every day. It doesn't matter whether it is 15 minutes or 2 hours, the main thing is that you stay tuned and do not let the movement routine stop. Enter your ZAQQ barefoot shoes the evening before. So a look as a memory and the comfort of the Quiq will be enough to motivate you on its own, to slip in and to run off.
What are you waiting for?
Feel Free, Feel Zaqq.